Tuesday, March 30, 2010


it's times like these when i miss the city most. i'm home alone, all alone, by my lonely self (with the exception of my dog, pucca). my family went off to florida to vaca since my little bro's spring break was this week. i thought i would like the idea of finally having the house to myself.


there's only so much you can do until you realize again, that you're alone. sigh. i don't think i can ever move anywhere by myself unless someone i know and love, is going to be near me. or unless i'm living in a city on the ocean. even then i don't think i can deal with the loneliness. i'm trying to deal by being productive. but, it's not working. haha. wow..i must really not like being by myself. or maybe it's the fact that i'm by myself on a mountain in the middle of east bumblefuck. oi, i need a boyfriend. hahaha. ;p

this here's pucca:

yeah. she's a cutie. at least she's keeping me company...hahh.