Thursday, February 11, 2010

cooped up & cozy.

it's 5:12 am right now. i'm up baking a cake for the baby bro's bday, so it's all ready to eat by the time he gets home from school. i know, i'm such a great sister ;) actually...he's just gonna get fatter. i'm such a bad sister ;(. 

it blizzarded today. all day. like crajji. went out at 11:30 pm to go play in it and to sneak two cigs. the snow was friggin knee deep. oh how i love living up in the mountain boondocks. i wore my dad's snowsuit. never underestimate the power of blue, green, and pink neon jumpsuits. it's the warmest and coziest. felt like i was 6 years old again. loved it. 

annnnd i just realized i haven't made any new year's resolutions yet. [actually, this sunday's lunar new year, so i'm not late. mehe.] it goes:

1. start over...
2. lose weight
3. study, study, study
4. cut down on the cigs man..
5. read more like i used to..
6. lose weight
7. be kinder 
8. be selfless
9. do qt more often
10. lose weight

that's it for now. ill add more later if i can think of any. 

i love my family more than anything. 

can't forget that God is in control. YES. 

'til next time.