Wednesday, January 6, 2010

back to square one.

happy new year! 2010's gonna be a good year. i can feel it....muuhahah.

alright, so.
in the past year, i've decided that i do not want to pursue art since i don't have a passion for it. so now, i'm seriously thinking about going into culinary arts. because food, i definitely have a passion for. not just eating (haha that's an obvious one..) but cooking also.

the rents want me to just do nursing, since that's a guaranteed job. in a way, i agree with them. i shouldn't think i have the luxury to be able to do what i want after fucking it up for the past two years.
and yet, i've seen how they're miserable since they didn't do what they were passionate for. for instance, 아빠 wanted to pursue the fine arts. and he would've been pretty damn good at it. especially architecture. and  엄마 wanted to be a book publisher and anchorwoman. she would've been great at both since all she does is read and talk like she knows everything..

so why would they tell me to do something i don't want to do?

because of the big fat M word.
MONEY. (god i hate it, but love it at the same time, but then end up hating it again..)
I have a wholeeeeeee bunch of loans to pay off from my past two years of art school (what an effing waste) and i need to pay that off soon..

but (i have alot of buts to cancel out..),
i have a strong gut feeling to do what i want.

what to do. what to do.
listen to my rents? or listen to my gut feeling?!

i should pray about this more. ALOT more. sighhhh.